E84 does NOT equal ethanol free. This station has Ethanol Free.
Best prices when you have the Casino card!
The best chicken strips and jojos. Also freal milkshakes are good too! Always clean and friendly service. Easy on/off the freeway and ample room to get my truck with 35' long horse trailer maneuvered into the diesel pumps.
1st time I've stayed overnite at this Love's T/S on 09/24-09/25/20, and it was a good experience overall. Most inner city truck stops tend to be in relatively poor shape infrastructure-wise and are kind of trashy. This is a new build Love's and is very well maintained and clean both inside the store and outside on the parking lot which fills up fast, so if you want to stay overnite get better arrive before 3:00 pm.... ~ notorious ~
always clean with friendly and cheerful employees
Great diesel price for the area, and really easy for large vehicles or cars with trailers to pull into!
Always really nice! Love getting gas here. Highlight of the day all the time
they lock their bathrooms!
I love this new truck stop! So clean and organized with lots of yummy food options!
great customer service